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Read Face Of Danger (2011)

Face of Danger (2011)

Online Book

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Grand Central Publishing

Face Of Danger (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

Colt waited at a stop-light and gave Sutton a friendly signal to pull out in front of him, making following him a breeze.
    He stayed on a main road, easy to follow, heading south until he maneuvered onto Hummock Pond Road, leading southwest to Cara’s house.
    Lang wasn’t at all surprised when Sutton chose that road and gunned his little Accord onto the open road. Colt called the location in to Iverson. Reinforcements were standing by.
    Could the “shipment” be taken right to Cara’s house? He pictured the geography of the bog, the surrounding brush, all the way out to a small perimeter road—and the lighthouse.
    So Emmanuel didn’t mean the Brant Point Lighthouse, but the small private one with a dock on Cara’s property. The one looking right out over the water where any ship could come in, dock in broad daylight, and transfer its human cargo to other boats for distribution.
    He called in to his agents and instructed them to stay hidden but surround the lighthouse and watch for incoming boats.

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