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Read Gem Of A Ghost (2012)

Gem of a Ghost (2012)

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0738713813 (ISBN13: 9780738713816)
Midnight Ink

Gem Of A Ghost (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

After reading the first two books in this series, I was looking forward to this one for my Memorial Day weekend, summer cozy reading kick off. Unfortunately, Gem of a Ghost just did not delight me as much as the previous two. The beginning was good and grabbed my attention, but from there it seemed to lose steam. The mystery coupled with a paranormal twist of ghosts is what I had enjoyed the most in the previous books, with Emma's romantic escapades not being so much the focus. About halfway through, the book started to lose steam, as Emma's new love interest entered the scene. The emphasis on the mystery started to shift over to the new romantic interest. To my disappointment, for the remainder of the story, this emphasis seemed to stay, right to the end. This was definitely the least favorite Granny Apples mystery to date. Instead of me using words such as delightful and even charming, as I felt with the first two books, I am only left with an "It was ok". This is the first title in the series that I have read and I look forward to reading the previous two works by Jaffarian. I found Emma and Granny Apple to be very likeable and enjoyable characters. Although like others I was dissappointed in Emma's behavior with the Dr. at the end of the novel.I liked the inclusion of historical information about the Molly Maguires and that it didn't overwhelm the main story. So all in all and enjoyable murder mystery with a twist.

What do You think about Gem Of A Ghost (2012)?

loved it wasn't as sad as the last book in the series. which im perfectly ok with.

Not as good as the other two books in this series, but fun.

Cute read , I loved mysteries and ghosts

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