Fight! Twin! CHAPTER Fifteen Alex was in mid-sip of her drink when Charlie Weidner walked into Sal’s. She nearly spewed soda all over the table. “Are you okay?” asked Emily, slapping Alex on the back several times. Alex managed to stop coughing enough to gasp that she was fine, that she’d just swallowed a sip the wrong way. Charlie hadn’t seen her yet. He stood near the door, scanning the crowd. A few kids looked up at him curiously. Despite her shock, it struck Alex that it really was obvious when someone showed up who wasn’t from Ashland. She couldn’t put her finger on why—Charlie wasn’t dressed in different clothes or anything. He was still the same freckled, red-haired kid she remembered, although he seemed to have grown at least two inches since she’d last seen him. But somehow he looked like he wasn’t from around here. She glanced over at where Ava was sitting with Jack. Ava had definitely seen Charlie walk in, because she’d picked up the huge menu no one ever looked at—everyone always ordered the specialty, pizza margherita—and had it propped up in front of her.