Going For Broke: Oakland Hills Friends To Lovers Romantic Comedy (Friends With Benefits) (2016) - Plot & Excerpts
“I’m out in the side yard!” Billie shouted. About time Jane showed up to help. Just because she was contributing more money didn’t mean she couldn’t help clip the— And then she remembered. Ian was here. F-word. And that’s how she said it inside her head, too: eff-word. Eff, eff, eff. She’d meant to tell Jane that Ian was helping out at the house. Hiding him completely would’ve been impossible, so she’d intended to warn her. But then she forgot, probably because of the mess of emotions swirling around in her brain. Precisely the type of brain that might make a person fail algebra three times in high school. She wiggled around to the back of the tree, hoping to buy some time. A three-inch thorn tore a ragged line down her forearm, but she pressed on. Blood was better than emotional torture. “Where are you?” Jane called. For a moment, Billie thought about not answering.
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