“Thank you. For everything.” He paused. “I like taking care of you. You reward me so nicely.” It was more than the sex. She knew that to her toes. He could skirt around it all he wanted, but he protected her in a way that was far different than how he protected Meriel. He touched her like she was special. “Mmm-hmm. You going to stay over?” She asked this absently, knowing his answer, while she began to put together a map for all the things she needed to do the following several days. “Easiest that way.” “It’s a really far trip from your room next door, yeah.” He snorted a laugh. “I gave that room up a few days ago.” She looked up from her work. “You did?” “I sleep here every night and when I’m not here, we’re at my place. Or traveling. Waste of resources.”