Imposibles X-Force: La Solución Apocalipsis (2011) - Plot & Excerpts
This is the opening arc of one of the most acclaimed runs on the X-Men characters. This is up there with the Claremonts, Morrisons and Whedons. This is where writer Remender impressed me with his unforgiving take on an covert X-Men wetworks squad and made excellent use of the characters Fantomex and Deadpool. Especially is Deadpool, which is one of the best written depictions of the characters to date.A major part of why this was an excellent run was the creative team. Remender was able to set the right tone to his run with mind-blowing line art art by artist Opena and colorist White shadowy color palette which gave this book a visual signature. The first six issues came wrapped in an Esad Ribic painting as this collected edition as well. I've been wanting to read this series, since the revamp of it after House of M and Schism, probably one of the best x-books in the last 13 years. There's a short synopsis of the previous volumes in case you are a new reader and gives you a perspective about the series, which you can find after issue #1. I also really like the art which is fluid and detailed, while the covers by Esad Ribic makes the reader comfortble knowing the Covers match the interior art by Jerome Opena. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the series so I can catch up with the current Uncanny X-Force which has a different lineup.
What do You think about Imposibles X-Force: La Solución Apocalipsis (2011)?
Loved the art but I just wish it was longer because of how much I enjoyed it.