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Read In Bed With The Enemy (2003)

In Bed with the Enemy (2003)

Online Book

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In Bed With The Enemy (2003) - Plot & Excerpts

She wasn’t sure if her lack of appetite was due to her run-in with John Valente, her not having the presence of mind to take defensive action against the man, or because Cole had once again intervened on her behalf.
“I hope you’re not worried about Valente,” Cole said, taking a swig of his beer. “I don’t think he’ll be bothering you again.”
Apprehension filled her when she glanced up to see a smug look on Cole’s handsome face. “Why?”
“Valente and I came to an agreement,” he said, sounding quite sure.
Her cheeks heated and anger began to replace her uneasy feeling. Narrowing her eyes, she asked, “What did you say to him?”
Cole shrugged as he gazed off in the distance. “I told him to leave you alone or he’d have me to deal with.”
“I can’t believe you did that.” She shook her head and fought the urge to punch him. “I could have handled the situation on my own. But no, you had to go caveman and rescue the damsel in distress.”
“What the hell are you talking about, Elise?”

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