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Read Jim Knopf Und Lukas Der Lokomotivführer (2004)

Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer (2004)

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3522176502 (ISBN13: 9783522176507)

Jim Knopf Und Lukas Der Lokomotivführer (2004) - Plot & Excerpts

This is one of those masterpieces of literature for children, which brings a lot of fun and light to their parents as well (Tove Jansen maybe closest example). Imaginery world is mixed and shaken here with the real one, with a little touch of satire and lot of humor. You always know where real China ends and imaginary one starts, but you hardly notice how it happens. Little island kingdom has one king and three subjects, untill one fine day they get the fourth - black baby foundling - Jim Knopf. He grows up and one day the King decides that there's not enough place in the country for four subjects and Lucas the Locomotive Driver and Jim Knopf and their locomotive Kristi have to go away. They travel across the sea to China where a lot of adventures await them, including Princess of course, 5 months old prime-minister, Dragon, obssesed with desire to mentor and punish children, multi-colored mountains and a lot of other stuff. Just to give you a small glimpse of storytelling that Ende offers here I can remember Sham Giant. He seems as a giant and all the people and animals are running away from him, but actually he's normal person who is suffering from another problem: when ordinary people tend to get smaller as they go further away from our sight, Sham Giant, being a normal person in reality, tends to get BIGGER as he gets further away from the viewer. So if he'll be in like 1000 meters from you he'll seem like he is as tall as the sky. If you dare to get him closer he'll get smaller, untill he reaches you and then he will look like normal people. The problem is that everyone fears him when he is far away (because he is Giant at that position). He is very very lonely person.The only downside of this book for me was a little intrusive politcorectness theme, but no big deal about it.We've been reading this with my dauther of course, but as it always happens with the books she really likes she couldn't wait untill I have time to read her again and started to swallow whole chapters by herself. Well... She had to retell me everything after, I just had to know.

Lukas the Steam Engine Driver was one of my Childhood role models. Michael Ende's first book to become a best seller, it is very much part of my childhood; or one could go further: Ende with this and his other books helped to shape my worldview: things are not always what they seem to be. His genius idea of the "Schein-Riese", the aparent giant, who, unlike all others who are "Schein-Zwerge", aparent dwarfes, appears taller and taller the further away you step. This poor Scheinriese was hiding away in a deserted place, as he was also very kind and did not want to frighten people. Lukas was brave enough to look at his expression, rather than the frighful size, and thus got close enough to learn the truth. I feel it's a real shame Ende and his quirky worldview is not nearly as well known in the English speaking world. Japan on the other hand knows him well!

What do You think about Jim Knopf Und Lukas Der Lokomotivführer (2004)?

میشاییل انده در 1929 به دنیا آمد. در آلمان به دنیا آمد؛ و از همان نوجوانی شروع کرد به گفتن شعر و نوشتن داستان کوتاه. انده از همان اول دوست داشت نمایشنامه نویس شود. خیلی هم دوست داشت اما آخرش هم نتوانست یک کار پرطرفدار ارایه کند. خب! بالاخره در سرزمین برتولت برشت، باید خیلی سرت بشود از این کار، تا تحویل ات بگیرند. نگرفتند و شانس آورد! چون پول احتیاج داشت. - به تقاضای یک دوست نقاش متنی برای کتاب مصورش نوشت. اسم این کتاب جیم دگمه و لوکاس لوکوموتیوران بود و یک دفعه خیلی مشهور شد و در 1961 برنده جایزه ادبی کتاب کودکان آلمان شد. موفقیت این کتاب باعث شد جلد دومش را هم بنویسد و توی آن، به سبک و سیاق افسانه ها مشخص کند که جیم دگمه یک شاهزاده سیاهپوست موفرفری ست که در بچگی دزدیده شده بوده! انده بعد از پول قلمبه ای که از انتشار جیم دگمه نصیب اش شد، دوباره رفت سراغ نمایشنامه نویسی و دوباره همان آش و همان کاسه! این استاد، دو تا کار مهم دیگر هم تو کارنامه اش دارد : مومو و داستان بی پایان
—بهمن بهمن

the books of ende are places to be. neverending story is best as an example. in momo you find the protagonist having a strong imagination like ende has. but these places are always threatend by forces to overcome. jim knopf is on a quest against a dragon in dragoncity. but unlike the original he is not killing the dragon but making it golden. sort of ghandi inspired i quess. this is not the most mature work of ende but the most pure. here i can imagine him telling a story to children not knowing where it will go himself. here you have a book like a toy with no schmuck. the books he wrote later in his career were more sophisticated and yes the bad ones have to vanish.maybe he wrote this one with a special kid on his mind.

چی می‌شه گفت به کتابی ایــن‌همه جادویی؟ این‌همه عزیز؟..قشنگ‌ترین ه.آقای انده‌ی عزیز.× دو تا نسخه داریم از این کتاب. یکی‌ش رو ام‌روز خریدم که خوش‌حال شم. اون یکی‌ش رو بابا خریده؛ آذرِ هفتادوپنج. از فرط خونده‌شدن در معرض ورق‌ورق‌شدن ه تقریباً. اوّل‌ش اسمِ من هم هست. منِ چندروزه. :] نوستالژیک‌ترین و باارزش‌ترین ه.

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