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Read Kidnapped At Birth?

Kidnapped at Birth?

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Random House Children's Books

Kidnapped At Birth? - Plot & Excerpts

3 Marvin Sees the King Marvin Redpost lived in a gray house. There was a fence around the house. The fence was all white except for one red post.
He slapped the red post as he walked through the gate.
He had an older brother, Jacob, who was eleven, and a younger sister, Linzy, who was four.
Jacob met him at the front door. “Watch out, Mar,” he said. “Mom’s mad.”
“I’m not mad!” said their mother, coming up behind him.
She sounded mad.
“Go clean your room,” she told Jacob.
“I already cleaned my room,” said Jacob.
“Clean it again,” she said. “Then help Linzy with hers.”
Jacob was right. She was mad.
“And where have you been?” she asked Marvin.
“At Stuart’s,” he said.
“Grandma and Grandpa are coming over.”
“I forgot.”
“You should have called,” said his mother. “You didn’t tell me you were going to Stuart’s house. I had no idea where you were!”
“I always go to Stuart’s. Or Nick’s,” said Marvin.
“You are supposed to call,”

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