Was it overkill? She’d spent the rest of last night masturbating while enjoying the barely there sting on her ass. All her eagerness to see him today had been pointless. He’d avoided her at work. Maybe, he was rethinking things. Maybe, he hadn’t enjoyed it as much as she had. She’d studied her Italian at lunch and during her office hours since they’d been dead silent. Of course, she’d checked her email a dozen times an hour when not in class to see if he’d emailed her. He was too young! That truth kept flashing in her head, but her body didn’t care. Right now, she cared about the trail of who knew what about her personal life. She felt Ben would be discreet, but he wasn’t the only one now. A little investigating on the name Nelson had led her to Nelson Cannon. The IT guru was the only one with that name and those skills. She didn’t know him very well. He was friendly and helpful and, apparently, in the BDSM fet group and the lifestyle. Going over and giving him a lecture on invasion of privacy seemed pointless when she really wanted to thank him.