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Read Match Play (2008)

Match Play (2008)

Online Book

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Match Play (2008) - Plot & Excerpts

Her glossy black hair tossing wildly in the wind, she hooked an inquiring brow.“What was that all about?”Luke explained during the short walk to the hotel. “The Guardians are a group of rabid antiwar protestors. They’ve designated themselves as unofficial weapons inspectors and have made it their personal goal to uncover and eliminate all so-called weapons of mass destruction in the U.K.”“Judging by our Ms. Brodie, they sound like a pretty determined group.”“They are. They staged a protest and sit-in at RAF Fairford. That led to a joint U.S.–U.K. decision to base our B-2s here at RAF Leuchars instead.”“The B-2 is that weird, wing-shaped bomber, right?”“Right. Weird and wing-shaped, with a sortie-reliability rate of just over ninety percent.”“What does that mean in plain English?”“In plain English, two B-2s armed with precision weaponry can do the job of seventy-five conventional aircraft.”“Hence the objections of the antiwar protestors.”“Exactly.

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