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Read Midnight's Kiss

Midnight's Kiss

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Midnight's Kiss - Plot & Excerpts

Their bags were taken by an attendant, and Arran had no choice but to follow Ronnie inside.
With his hand on her lower back, they walked inside. He noticed the way men looked at Ronnie. She was in jeans, boots, and another plaid shirt with her hair in a bun and no makeup, and still men ogled her.
Arran caught the eyes of several of the men watching her and stared them down until they looked away. He might not have an official claim to her, but she was under his protection.
And in his eyes, she was his for the time being.
They walked onto the lift, and he kept his hand on her back as she pushed the number of their floor. She glanced at him. The last hour of their drive had been quiet as their desire rose with each mile that passed beneath the tires. Knowing he was going to have her to himself made his cock hard with anticipation.
He still couldn’t believe he’d told her about his sister. Only Quinn had known about her. But even Quinn didn’t know the entire story.
“Ready?” Ronnie asked when the bell rung and the lift doors opened.

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