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Read Murder In A Minor Key

Murder in a Minor Key

Online Book

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Penguin USA, Inc.

Murder In A Minor Key - Plot & Excerpts

Fletcher.”The hotel’s night-duty engineer was holding a burlap bag that contained my earlier bed partner. “They’re pretty common, and totally harmless, although I’m sure it gave you quite a start.”“You’re a master of understatement, Mr. Gonzales.”“It was probably just looking for some food or water. We got a drought on now. Lots of these little guys out of their usual habitat.” He bounced the bag up and down a few times.“So I’ve heard.”“You can kind of feel sorry for them.” He looked sideways at me.“Perhaps another time,” I replied.“Well, we got it now.” He grinned. “You’re safe.”A small crowd had assembled in my room: Mr. Gonzales; Duncan Frey, the hotel’s overnight manager; Police Officer Monica Macdonald; and Mrs. Penta, head of housekeeping.“I apologize on behalf of the hotel, Mrs. Fletcher,” Mr. Frey said, gripping his hands together. “We’ll have an exterminator out here tomorrow to go over the courtyard. But you can rest easy now.

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