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Read Obsession And Surrender (The Billionaire's Temptation Book 7)

Obsession and Surrender (The Billionaire's Temptation Book 7)

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Obsession And Surrender (The Billionaire's Temptation Book 7) - Plot & Excerpts

Pushing the car door open, she stepped out into the brisk ocean air, her head filling with the pungent scent of the salty sea, as he came around to her side. “You’re a pain in the ass, Keane.”
    When his eyes lit up with humor, she knew his mind had gone straight into the gutter. At least he still had a sense of humor, even with everything that was going on. “Babe…just wait until we get home.”
    “I swear, you have a one-track mind.” With Keane at her side, they walked toward the beach, the loose sand giving way under foot until they got closer to the water, where it hardened, making it easier to walk on. “Just so we’re clear, I’m not sleeping in your bed.”
    “Sounds perfect, since I have little intention of getting any sleep.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her to him so she now found herself pressed against his muscular form, her body’s reaction to him immediate. And it seemed that she only wanted him more now that she’d been reminded of all he was capable of.

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