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Read One Of The Boys (2005)

One of the Boys (2005)

Online Book

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One Of The Boys (2005) - Plot & Excerpts

There were five of the blasted things, each one about the size of a small thumbtack. When the last stud stubbornly refused to fit into the hole right under his chin, Jake’s oath was more vocal and more audible. A giggle from the bedroom door brought his head whipping around.
“You didn’t hear that, Lisa.”
“No, sir!”
She gave a very creditable rendition of a military salute and wandered into the bedroom.
“Here, let me do it.”
Relieved, Jake leaned back against a long, brass-trimmed Korean chest and let his daughter’s nimble fingers slip the recalcitrant stud into place. When she smoothed down the crisp, pleated front of his shift and grinned up at him in triumph, Jake felt his heart turn over. God, she was beautiful. So fresh and open and loving.
“Thanks, honey.”
Lisa plunked herself down in the middle of Jake’s bed. “I’d better stay, in case you need me again. I remember how Mom used to have to help you into your monkey suit.”
Jake grinned at his daughter’s reflection in the wide mirror above the chest.

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