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Read Single By Saturday (2014)

Single by Saturday (2014)

Online Book

4.51 of 5 Votes: 2
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Montlake Romance

Single By Saturday (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

Well I didn't think that Cath would be able to get a good story out of these characters but being a five star writer of five star books she,s written a cracker. Thought provoking and well researched this tells a story of troubled kids and a gay sham marriage. Its enjoyable and funny, with some clever one liners, the story line never falters . Though classed as a stand alone story with a happy ending this book is more enjoyable if read in sequence with the other "week day wedding" stories . Well done Cath, now on to book five. Oh lordy ! I am soooo loving this series that I couldn't wait for book 5 to arrive so I just skipped to this one. Shame on me :/ this was just as AWESOME as the others in the series. I've now marked off all her books to read. At the end of this book where Judy & Rick were introduced and IMMEDIATELY sparks were flying I freaked out. (Truthfully) I had to look up and hope like hell that book was available and not released at some god awful future year. PHEW! I sooooo can't wait to read the smut *cough* romance of that one :)) Well done Catherine

What do You think about Single By Saturday (2014)?

It's was a very touching story and I really fell in love with Karen and Zack. A definite must read!

I had a few issues with this story...


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