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Read S.E.C.R.E.T Partilhado (2013)

S.E.C.R.E.T Partilhado (2013)

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S.E.C.R.E.T Partilhado (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

4.5 stars!!!!!!!!!!!!First, let me take a deep breath before I write this review. I REALLY DID LOVE READING THIS BOOK!!!!!!!! Ok, now that that is out of my system on to the review. IT WAS SO HARD TO PUT DOWN. I really did stay up late and was tired the next day that I had to go to work. It was worth it.The story picks up after the end of book 1. Cassie is left heartbroken with Will's decision and she is beside herself with grief. She turns to the only comfort that she has known for the past year; the women of S.E.C.R.E.T. She has been given a new task to guide a new recruit for S.E.C.R.E.T. With this new responsibility she is trying to move past her broken heart and move on. The new candidate for S.E.C.R.E.T. is Dauphine Mason, the owner of a very chic vintage clothing store. She has not been in a serious relationship since her ex and she has completely thrown herself into her work. She is trying to find happiness but she is not succeeding. She is totally crushing on the hot lead singer of a local favorite band; Mark Drury. She is too scared to approach him, because she is a little gun shy of men as of late because of said ex. Here's is where Cassie and the group S.E.C.R.E.T. come in to help her get over herself and put some excitement back into her life. of course, in the proceeding chapters we see her take on some of her fantasies that she has boldly asked the ladies to craft for her. She does them and I guess she feels empowered. There is a task that has befallen to her and she takes an unexpected trip to South America. In this scenario, you really get a chance to see her grow as a more take charge kind of gal. She has courage (somewhat) and her last fantasy involves the man of her dreams and she is very happy and content.S.E.C.R.E.T. Shared also has a dual storyline with Cassie. She is still trying to find herself and see if the love of her life Will Foret (why????????) still wants her. Of course, thankfully Jesse has made a return as well (SWOONTH!!!!) So in this book, Cassie is making herself a human yo-yo of emotions. She is being completely lovesick over Will and using Jesse to her get over him. Since Cassie has been involved with S.E.C.R.E.T. she has had a steady stream of drama in her life, more than I think she really wanted. in the beginning of her story she recounted the men of S.E.C.R.E.T. that had change her (slightly) in some way. I know that Jesse had the biggest impact on her because she couldn't easily forget him. She did mention the man from one of her fantasies that was a completely mystery, he sure did make her heart beat faster. The end of the book takes us on an emotional rollercoaster. Cassie was elated then deflated before the book ended. My heart caught in my throat for her pain. So eagerly, did I read book 3 so I wouldn't have to wait.This series has really been a great pleasure to read. I have loved some of the characters (Cassie, Matilde, and the Jesse, Dell) and some I have not ( Will, Carruthers Johnson, Dauphine Mason) others I absolutely loathe: Bayou Billionaire Pierre Castille. There were a lot more blush worthy moments in this book. Sometimes, I felt like I was to young to be reading this book. The book really shines when it focuses on the relationships between the women, the men, and the other people around them. Cassie: I like her because I think she is very real. She has her faults and I think that she really trying to find her own way in the world. Her lack of self-confidence made me want to shake her and say, "you are smart, sensitive, giving and strong, you deserve so much better than Will". I really did not want her to go back to Will because, I didn't think he appreciated her enough. He was still smarting from his ex-girlfriend Tracina's betrayal and deceit.Jesse: Seemed like such a sweet guy but, I know that he had his secrets as well. He had a great understanding for Cassie and he genuinely cared for her. He was so sweet, sexy and sensitive. He also had a very dominate male personality that I loved.This series has started out strong and is continuing on that path. I started from book #1 because, I wanted to read this as a continuous work. I was very happy that I did. It made every in this book fall in line. You could see the changes in Cassie from one book to the next.This was a great series and it will definitely be a favorite of mine for a long time to come. I couldn't put this book down , i read it in one night.This is book # 2 in the S.E.C.R.E.T trilogy and it follows Cassie a thirty something Divorced woman through her Sextual Awakening , thanks to a Secret Club that helps Woman emotionally ,and sexually liberates them in the process.Well Cassie is now in the process of working for The club finding new woman recruits to help , all the while trying to decide where her life should go next.She gets a bomb of terrible news dropped into her lap involving Will and the life she always wanted falls to the floor in a huge emotional mess. She involves herself with her new recruit Dauphine ,gets cozy with Mick the rockstar and tries to rekindle the flames between herself and one time fantasy man of her dreams Jesse.Cassie's heart still leads her back to Will, but will all be ruined by a former fantasy man when the truth comes out .I loved the story of Dauphine (new recruit) her fantasies were way more erotic and out there than Cassies were in book #1 . The Airplane ride that she goes on is to die for , and it's not what you think ( Mile high Club in the bathroom i think not !)I was a little disappointed that Dauphines Fantasies ended so soon considering on her acceptance into the club papers she stated she was down for anyhting. I 'm glad she got something out of the whole deal , but for me who wanted her to go through more fantasies before finding herself it fell a little short.I will read book # 3 (S.E.C.R.E.T Shared) soon I was waiting for my Free copy to come in the mail . I won a copy through goodreads from Crown Publishng . Be on the look out for my review .......Thanks for the book !!!

What do You think about S.E.C.R.E.T Partilhado (2013)?

Great sequel! I don't want to give anything away. It continues on and brings in new characters.

I really enjoyed the book but was disappointed in how short it was.

A quick read filled with good sexy scenes.

enjoyed it better than the first!

loved loved loved.

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