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Secret Seduction (2000)

Online Book

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Secret Seduction (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

Sorry but this just didn't make sense.My Problems:1 Jason 'betrayed' Katie by talking to the media. Did he or didn't he? I still am not certain and it is never completely resolved just sot of put to one side.2 Jason is a controlling, manipulative and arrogantly superior ass for a lot of the book, but apparently we should just believe he loves Katie and just wants what's best for her? She's an adult and he isn't her father, therefore the word he's looking for is 'persuasion'!3 Why is Jason on her mother's side? If you love someone, and they have a legitimate grievance, you let them make the decision how they will react and you support them! If you have a different opinion they you voice it, but when they are the injured party THEY make the final decision and you support it. And as for him comparing HIS sense of betrayal over HER mother's actions to HER sense of betrayal over the same... Are you KIDDING me? How arrogant is he? I have no words....4 why isn't Katie's mother in jail? Bigamy is illegal in both the US and Italy so why didn't either Country prosecute her? And also how weak is her biological father? We're told that Roderick the man she though was her father was as blindsided by everything as she was so fair enough he didn't know, but her biological father did! He knew he'd married her, he knew she'd abandoned her son, he knew she robbed him of knowing his daughter growing up, And he STILL married (or is is re-married) her when she was legally divorced from Roderick? WHY? 5 No one seemed to care who was behind the kidnapping attempts? Why? If it was me, my daughter or the person I loved I'd be interested!There is a lot more that irritated me but I think I'll stop there....Can't recommend this one to anyone I'm afraid (at least not if I like them...) I picked this book up after having read book three in the series (yes, I cheated and read a book other than the first one first. But that's not totally my fault since I read it because I was reading a collection!)After having read book three, I decided that I liked it well enough that it made sense to pick up books one and two. I found myself liking the author enough that I wanted to see if it was a fluke.Was it a fluke that I liked book three? Nope, after finishing this book, I realized that I actually liked the storyline (not so much the mom's story- that was just weird to me). I will continue to read this series- maybe not tomorrow, but I've definitely added the author to my "authors that write entertaining books that don't bore me" category. If you like contemporary romance - no vampires in sight on this one- I would suggest giving this book and author a try.

What do You think about Secret Seduction (2000)?

Was an ok for a short read and can't put my finger on it but felt like something was missing.

Quick read...steamy & suspenseful!

wonder what will happen next

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