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Read SECRET Revealed (2014)

SECRET Revealed (2014)

Online Book

3.84 of 5 Votes: 7
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055341920X (ISBN13: 9780553419207)
Broadway Books

SECRET Revealed (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

I wish I could give this series so many more stars that 5 as an over all trilogy the work is so good. Its a book that once you have it you not going to want to put it down. L.Marie Adeline takes these charters and such a journey of discovery and empowerment. The third of this trilogy again has our leading character Cassie and brings in a new charter who is such a sweet addition but a firecracker at heart. Loved the book but hated for the story to end. I am reading this series entirely back to front – having not heard of it before the opportunity to review appeared, but I found the author had managed to present enough backstory that I didn’t feel totally lost, but I would recommend that the series be read in order. S.E.C.R.E.T. is the “Skull and Bones” of the sexual underground for women searching for more fulfillment. Not quite a ‘secret society’ but not widely known, the women who are featured all learn to revel in their sensuality, taking charge of and developing in their confidence and empowerment. This story highlighted both the women’s ability to support and befriend one another, as well as their own personal journeys as they find fulfillment in all aspects of their lives. In this story, the new woman to the group is Solange, and I was impressed by the supportive behavior displayed by all the women. Adeline is also to be commended for the smart writing of interactions and stumbling points that worked for the plot and for lessons to us all in the support available in the right kind of friendships: this didn’t feel preachy or over-played, but worked beautifully well. This is, as a threaded plot line, a story about sexual fantasies and fulfillment, but done in such a way that the relationships and growth of the characters really is the most memorable parts of the story. BUT – the sex is off the charts hot and steamy, with several really clever fantasies enacted and showing the power of the women who have chosen and are enjoying their moments. I won’t attest to the conclusion and who gets whom – I will wait until I have read all of the trilogy before I make a final decision for myself – but for the presentation of the story and what I saw in this particular book about the development of relationships and pairings of the characters: the matches “felt” real and plausible to me, and I closed the book satisfied. I received an eBook copy of the title from the publisher via NetGalley for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.

What do You think about SECRET Revealed (2014)?

Different take for this genre. Empowering and steamy. Nice resolution for main character Cassie.

Good ending for the trilogy, but I'm a little disappointed things were wrapped up so neatly.

Third in the S.E.C.R.E.T. trilogy. Quite "romancy" - similar to the Fifty Shades trilogy.

I absolutely love this series. She needs to write more!

This was a great way to end the trilogy. Nicely done.

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