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Read S.E.C.R.E.T. Shared (2013)

S.E.C.R.E.T. Shared (2013)

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0804136866 (ISBN13: 9780804136860)
Broadway Books

S.E.C.R.E.T. Shared (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

I got lucky and got a review copy of this book; while free books are amazing, the fact that it was free did not influence the following opinion.After reading the first S.E.C.R.E.T. book and being absolutely enthralled, I knew I had to get the second one. It just happened that I got invited to a contest to win an advance copy and I got super lucky. Yay me! So, I waited on pins and needles after getting the email letting me know I was getting the book, shredded the package when it came, and disappeared for a few hours. (Not really, but I'm sure my husband thought I did, because I got super quiet except for gasps and random noises.) Again the book was well developed without being overdone, and this too was a super quick read because I didn't want to put it down for even a minute. Of course by the time you read the first book and start this one, you are really invested in Cassie and the path she is on. The empowerment aspect of the series is such a draw, because it gets old reading blurbs for books that are all about women being dense, wilted, objects for a man's pleasure. Screw that. This is about Cassie (and other inclined women of the organization) finding their own power and pleasure. If you prefer doormats, don't look here! The S.E.C.R.E.T. Trilogy is not for the faint of heart, but it is for all of you who love great fantasies and love stories! Under no circumstances do I want to give away the plot of what I thought were fantastic books, so I will tread as lightly as I can. Picture yourself in your day-to-day hum-drum life and out of the blue you find out about a secret society that helps women explore their sexual fantasies, in a safe environment, with trained men. Calm down ladies! I'm not sure if such a place exists, but just think of the possibilities!The S.E.C.R.E.T. Trilogy books are set in New Orleans, a city ripe for such an undertaking if there ever was one. The books are romantic. They are tantalizing. They are full of sexual intrigue (so not for the faint of heart) and mystery. The books are about women's friendships and women helping women.A teaser I am willing to part with is S.E.C.R.E.T. is a secret organization run by wonderful women who only want to help other women to have fulfilling lives. Members are chosen. Once chosen, the woman visits the mansion and fills out a questionnaire with her fantasies. The board of the S.E.C.R.E.T. organization then sets up the fantasies. There are ten altogether and the purpose is to give a woman confidence and to help her find direction in her life. Upon acceptance into the organization, each woman receives a bracelet. At the completion of each step, she receives a charm that represents the lesson she has learned about herself."Surrender, Courage, Trust, Generosity, Fearlessness, Confidence, Curiosity, Bravery, Exuberance, The Choice"It is an intriguing trilogy, that while about sex, is not all about sex. It is about growing a woman's confidence in herself. This is not the type of book that I normally review here on my blog, and I don't think I actually understood the entire scope of the series when I agreed to review the books, but I really enjoyed them, so much so, that I am giving them a five star rating and highly recommending them. I thought the writing was top-notch and the book very well put together. The trilogy boasts a unique story line that I have yet to come across and I think women will definitely enjoy the books.I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

What do You think about S.E.C.R.E.T. Shared (2013)?

I loved this book! I cannot wait for the third one to come into my possession!

another great sexual ride showing the female gaze is nothing to be ashamed of.

I enjoyed this book & I like Marie's style of writing ~ well done again!!

Enjoyable trilogy so far.

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