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Read Seduced By Sunday

Seduced by Sunday

Online Book

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Montlake Romance

Seduced By Sunday - Plot & Excerpts

“There you are.” Meg walked onto the dock behind her. “Your brother said you’d be out here.”
Gabi accepted her new friend’s one-arm hug. “You didn’t have to wait with me.”
“Completely selfish of me. I wanted to see this yacht I heard you talking about.”
“Can you believe I’ve only sailed on it once?” Gabi asked as they both watched it move closer.
“Why’s that?”
She shrugged. Because Alonzo was always coming or going . . . seldom did he stick around, and there wasn’t a good time for her to join him. “He’s very busy.”
Gabi turned to find Meg studying her.
“I’m sure that will change once you’re married.”
“I would think so.”
Meg pushed a strand of hair from her face. “Did he do something to tick off your mom, or does she hate the thought of her little girl sleeping with someone?”
Gabi managed a laugh. “I wish it was the latter. Yet Alonzo hasn’t done a thing out of line. He even suggested we spend ample time apart to ease my mother’s fears of an early grandchild.”

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