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Read Seduction And Surrender (The Billionaire's Temptation Series)

Seduction and Surrender (The Billionaire's Temptation Series)

Online Book

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Daeron Press

Seduction And Surrender (The Billionaire's Temptation Series) - Plot & Excerpts

Everything she was, all her hopes and dreams, were tied to the Old Port, and it was all going up in flames. Tears streamed down her face as she stopped her struggles, and instead, resorted to sobbing in Quinn’s arms.“We’ll rebuild it, Emma. I promise. And whoever did this to you will fucking pay. I swear, love, I won’t rest until then.” His entire body reverberated with anger as he held onto her.“Your building—and your project. I’m so sorry, Quinn.” It was a huge loss for both of them, and yet somehow, knowing she wasn’t alone in all this helped.“If Capaldi is behind this, then I’m going to fucking murder the bastard.” He huffed out one ragged breath after another, nestling her against his shoulder as she wept. “What’s most important is that we’re both safe and there shouldn’t have been anyone in the building, given the late hour. We still have each other, love, and that means we can get through anything.”She nodded, hoping he was right, squeezing her eyes shut against flashing lights.

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