El libro me ha encantado absolutamente. Sería algo raro que no lo hiciera pues me encantan los libros de chick-lit. Hacía tiempo que no leía uno y he disfrutado leyendo cada página de éste. Ha sido una pena que durante la lectura del mismo me haya encontrado tantos fallos de transcripción que a veces me hacían interrumpir la lectura de la misma. Es por eso que ha perdido media alita, pero por el resto ha sido de rechupete.Véreis, las mujeres somos cotillas de por sí y leer sobre la vida de mujeres que no son perfectas y cómo tratan de llevar sus vidas hacia adelante superando todos los obstáculos que se les ponen por delante es bastante interesante, además de algo que emular para cualquiera de nosotras.Cuatro mujeres cuyas vidas están patas arriba y cuyo único vicio (los zapatos) es el que logra que se junten, parece algo increíble pero en estos días donde el internet está tan de moda, cualquier cosa es posible. Una, la iniciadora del club, es camarera. Su vida ha pasado por muchas relaciones y se ha desengañado de todo excepto de su obsesión por los zapatos, lo que puede llegar a arruinarla. Helene Zaharis, esposa de un senador, lleva una vida miserable y su único refugio son los zapatos, hasta que un día le cortan el saldo y decide que tiene que hacer algo. Por otro lado está Sandra, quien siempre fue el patito feo y que ahora lleva una vida poco menos que insignificante, viviendo en su casa y sin apenas salir. El teléfono es su herramienta de trabajo e Internet es su vía de escape comprando el único capricho que siempre le valdrá: zapatos. Finalmelnte tenemos a Jocelyn, Joss para las amigas, quien saca diez años a estas treintañeras. Ella ha salido hace poco de su pueblo y se dedica a ser niñera, a pesar de tener un título en empresariales. Es muy leal y le gusta cumplir las reglas. Tal vez por eso su jefa se aprovecha de ella, porque sabe que no dice ni mú y todo se lo traga.Pues bien, el que a todas les haga falta acudir a una reunión semanal, cada una por diferentes motivos, hará que al principio, todos ellos queden de lado y entre ellas se formen verdaderos lazos de amistad. Tal es el punto, que cada una guarda un secreto y finalmente todas se confiesan ante todas. Incluso de quien uno menos se espera, se puede llevar una gran sorpresa. Dice el refrán que la unión hace la fuerza. Y será la fuerza de las cuatro juntas la que hará que todas ellas logren superar sus obsesiones, miedos e inseguridades y puedan seguir adelante, entretejiendo un futuro juntas.En este libro encontraréis a la típica chica que no se entera de nada, a la que cree captar al dedillo la personalidad de cada uno, a la que desde pequeña tenía complejo de inferioridad, a la que dejó todo atrás por ser alguien, a la que su obsesión la obliga incluso a robar...son actitudes y formas de ser muy diferentes y que pueden encontrarse fácilmente en la sociedad. Porque lo actual está de moda una vez más, hay que aplaudir este libro.Tal es el punto de su éxito que pronto la veremos plasmada en la gran pantalla. La actriz encargada de dar vida a Sandra Vanderslice, la derrochadora agorafóbica, será Halle Berry y el guión será escrito por Kristen Buckley y Brian Regan ("Como perder a un chico en 10 días") .
I liked this book a lot. Yes, it's a bit vapid and implausible, but whatever, it's chick lit! I'm glad someone finally showed that women in DC have style and excellent taste in luxury. While I'm not part of the exquisitely elite, I could appreciate a lot of the name brands, political parties, money manners, and behaviorisms of the supporting characters in this book. I DO wish that the author would have gone more into areas where the women could have gotten shoes, mentioning the blossoming U Street Corridor or trendy Arlington, but instead she stuck to the trademark areas of Bethesda, Georgetown, Adams Morgan, and Dupont Circle. #1, I want to know what a WAITRESS is doing with an apartment in Bethesda, $30k in shoe debt, and a car with a car note. All of that TOGETHER does not usually happen. There's only one complex I know of in Bethesda where the rent is less than a G per month (and that's WITHOUT utilities). I think a TRUE shoe addict would move to Gaithersburg or Montgomery Village (since her expensive taste seemed to be limited to her feet) so she could spend MORE money on shoes. I have a friend who lives at home, primarily so she can afford her pseudo-fabulous life because in the real world she'd have to have two jobs, no car, a sugar daddy, and three roommates sharing a two-bedroom in Anacostia to afford her indulgences. I like the way that all of the women came together, and the crazy antics they got in to. The ending was a little "deus a machina (sp?)" but I wanted something a little vacant to read for the weekend. It's a fun, silly, predictable book that will make any shoe admirer or DC urbanite smile and occasionally LOL.:)
What do You think about Shoe Addicts Anonymous (2007)?
This book was pretty funny and I laughed out loud a few times. (*^_^*)The thing I liked most about this story is that every woman was from a different class, facing different struggles yet their common interest (as funny as it was) brought them together without judgement to build an extremely strong friendship.I really appreciated the way Harbison pulled all these personalities together. It's hard not to relate to at least one character or a few things about every character.This book made me laugh, think, get angry and now I want to go shoe shopping...lol!
—Vee Charles
This book is hilarious! I laughed pretty hard a couple times. These are characters we can all relate to! They're slightly down on their luck, they're working crappy jobs, they're putting up with cheating and slimy men, and they're shy and overweight. They each have a trait or characteristic that makes this book personable and humorous. A coworker recommended this book, so I was all over it. After finishing it, it didn't seem like a book she would have read and enjoyed, but she really did. We both did, so this book can really reach and touch many an audience. It's a feel-good, funny book, and the narrator does a fabulous job!
—Mickey Reed
It was good fun, considering I feel half my life is wanted if i dont buy at least a pair of shoes evey month. Of course, the book is over the top. Irrespective of HOW MUCH one likes shoes, there is a point where a normal person can draw the line (work as a phone-sex operator to buy a pair - make that TWO - one in black and one in a deep pink of Ralph Laurens, realy????). Which is really ironic, coz all these woman are potrayed as normal people, albeit with an abnormal liking for shoes.So you have Helene, who prefers the click-clack of Bruno Maglis' and Emilio Pucci's to the pitter-patter of little feet. Add a dominating husband, a "dark" past, and some blackmail, and you have one sub plot (which could well be one for some female-oriented (i HATE the word "chick", sorry!!) B grade summer thriller).And the waitress Lorna, who uses $3 tips to calculate her crdit card payments, to buy a $175 Delmans. Logic? Really? The whole shoe-swapping club is her idea, born more out of desperation, and a self-identified sickness for footwear. What she cannot buy, she will swap. Brilliant. She seems to be the most believable character of the lot, since she seems the most real.Joss the harried nanny who uses the "club", Shoe Addicts Anonymous only as an excuse to get out Thursday night. Totally unnecessary. Yeah, women will bond, whether they are in a group of 3 or 4, and although I agree with you, Beth, the more the merrier, they do not say "Three(four) is a crowd", without good reason.The battling agoraphobic Sandra, the shoe-crazy phone-sex operator (who does what she does ONLY to support her shoe addiction, and we are supposed to feel soryy for her!! Yeah, rrrrright), who is super-observant, borderline geeky, and who can calmly guzzle orange juice while listening to some guy describing how he likes to have someone go down on him. It is mildly entertaining, no doubt, and there are no "typical" happy endings, and no men going down on their feet and slippering the lovely dame's foot with a perfect-fit 7and1/2. It has more to do with the subtle bonds of same-gender friendship that we generallt take for granted (I SO miss my girls now!).That still doesn't justify WHY we look down on helpless people with a foot fetish who cant but fanatasize over pretty feet and painted toenails, but can accept the fact that women could trade their comfort, bodies, and marriage for hardly a square foot of leather(PETA?? Where are you when stuff like this is promoted and hyped?).All in all, not a bad deal if your like your uncountable pairs of shoes!