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Read Smoldering Hunger

Smoldering Hunger

Online Book

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St. Martin's Paperbacks

Smoldering Hunger - Plot & Excerpts

She saw no sign of Darius as she carefully picked her way through the snow.
Then out of the shadows near the spot where they’d first made love, moved a figure. He stepped into the light of the streetlamp, a smile on his face.
“Hello,” she said.
“Hello, yourself.”
Sophie hurried to him. His arms wrapped around her, holding her tight. She closed her eyes, enjoying his warmth and his arms.
“How was your day?” she asked, then laughed.
He leaned back. “What’s so funny?”
“It seems odd to be asking you such a mundane question when you are anything but.”
Darius gave her a quick, hard kiss. “Neither are you, doc.” He took her medical bag from her and laced his free hand with hers. “As for my day, it was quiet.”
“That’s good. Right?”
He nodded as he glanced at her before returning his gaze to observing everything around them.
Sophie had to smile. Her life used to be simple. Boring to most, but she’d been content. Or at least she’d thought she was content.

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