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Read Sophie's Menage

Sophie's Menage

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Sophie's Menage - Plot & Excerpts

No, they were over. She was wishful thinking again. Steve and Eric would never bid on her at the auction. If she’d been with them, they would have forbade her even entering one. She’d belonged to them exclusively, and she’d loved their territorial jealousy.Besides, Jaxie had assured Claire and Marley their names were not even on the list. The guys had looked too surprised when she’d strolled out onto the dance floor. They hadn’t been expecting her to be on the auction block.She sighed a breath of relief…or maybe it was disappointment? Wouldn’t it have been exciting if they had bid on her and won? She tensed as a noise came at the door. Someone was coming. It had to be the men. Oh, why hadn’t she insisted on a blindfold? Having eye contact with two complete strangers while she was tied like this was unnerving. From here she couldn’t see who had entered, but she listened as they whispered in very low tones.Movement at the corner of the hallway made her breath hitch. Two tall figures clad in dark burgundy terrycloth robes stepped into her view.

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