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Read The Heart Of A Stranger (Lone Star Country Club) (2003)

The Heart Of A Stranger (Lone Star Country Club) (2003)

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0373765274 (ISBN13: 9780373765270)
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The Heart Of A Stranger (Lone Star Country Club) (2003) - Plot & Excerpts

I have never read a book by Sheri before... I was nervous to start reading this book, not because I didn't like something about it... no it was because when I have never read a book by an author before it makes me nervous because I don't know exactly what the book will be like... But as I started to read I was very interested so interested I wanted to skip to the back of the book to find out what his life was before the “Incident”. After reading this book I think I will be looking into reading more books by Sheri.

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