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Read Tales From The Wyrd Museum 1: The Woven Path

Tales From The Wyrd Museum 1: The Woven Path

Online Book

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Tales From The Wyrd Museum 1: The Woven Path - Plot & Excerpts

A strident, staccato percussion struck up briefly as tobacco tins filled with odd buttons were dumped upon the trestle tables followed by the clatter of cotton reels pulled from sewing baskets.
    During working hours, the venue had been taken over as an administration centre, catering for those bombed out of their homes and needing emergency blankets and clothes. Where religious tracts and coloured prints of biblical scenes were once pinned to the wall, they had been either replaced or covered over by charts and government posters advocating everything from Digging For Victory to trapping sneezed germs in handkerchieves.
    Two rails of donated garments were pushed into one poorly-lit corner, behind a large blackboard covered in a list of names and the rota of the local WVS. Next to this, was a schoolmaster's desk, positioned opposite the two rows of trestle tables where the attendees of the Make-do-and-Mend class were already heaving out their latest projects.

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