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Read The Woven Path (2002)

The Woven Path (2002)

Online Book

3.86 of 5 Votes: 4
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0007158084 (ISBN13: 9780007158089)

The Woven Path (2002) - Plot & Excerpts

I will admit, I did not finish this book. The story's premise is that a boy goes back in time to WWII London trying to get his younger sibling back. A demon also goes back and is released. The demon increases the level of evil in people. So, when one jealous woman suggests to some young boys to harm a dog of a neighbor, the boys stone the dog nearly to death. The description of the dog at the point he is found still haunts me - he licks his toothless mouth and tries to crawl to the person he knows but not his owner. It is still painful to think about. That person puts him out of his misery by bashing his head in with a rock. After this, I read maybe 3 more pages when the dog owner is killed by the demon. I gave up at this point. I read this in my 30's and found it to be too graphically violent for me. I would never recommend a person read this book.

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