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Read The Blackmail Pregnancy

The Blackmail Pregnancy

Online Book

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The Blackmail Pregnancy - Plot & Excerpts

Cara opened her eyes to find herself being observed by two interested identical little faces, their matching pink polka dot pyjamas a perfect foil for their blue eyes and blonde hair.
    ‘Are you our aunty?’ one of them asked.
    Cara sat up and, brushing the hair off her face, made room for them either side of her on the bed as they clambered up beside her.
    ‘I’m not really sure about that,’ she confessed in all honesty. ‘I used to be married to your uncle, but I’m not sure if the title still applies.’ The other twin peered at her intently, her blue eyes piercing.
    ‘Why aren’t you still married to Uncle Byron?’ she asked.
    Cara swallowed.
    ‘You don’t have to tell us,’ the other less forward twin said, glaring at her sister. ‘Mummy would say it’s none of our business.’ ‘It is so our business, Kirstie,’ Katie said determinedly.

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