You’ve just done something incredible. You’ve repaired your metabolism, lit it on fire, and burned through fat like never before. And you did it with everything you’ve been afraid of in the past. You did it by enjoying food. No drugs, no surgery, no torture. Just real, delicious food, coupled with an easy amount of physical activity and some critical stress reduction. You should be feeling amazing, and much different than you did before you began. Let’s check in with where you are. I bet you’re feeling much different from how you did before you began because your liver, adrenals, thyroid, pituitary, and physical body are finally getting everything they really need. Take a look in the mirror. Does your skin look better and more supple? Is your body more toned? Is your hair thicker, shinier, healthier? Are your nails growing faster? Do you have more energy? How many inches did you lose? How many pounds? Do your clothes fit differently? I want you to think about how your life has changed these past four weeks.
What do You think about The Fast Metabolism Diet (2013)?