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Read The Golden Door (2011)

The Golden Door (2011)

Online Book

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1862919127 (ISBN13: 9781862919129)
Omnibus Books

The Golden Door (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

This is the first story in a trilogy which begins the adventure of Rye, a young boy who is destined to save his family and the land in which he lives from the evil lords who dominate and force their power on all. Rye has lived his whole life in relative safety behind the huge walls of the city of Weld. Now Weld is under attack by night from evil, hungry, flying creatures who destroy all in their path. The enemy of Weld sending these beasts must be found, or Weld is doomed. Rye goes in search of his two older brothers who volunteered to leave Weld and stop the creatures. Now it's up to Rye to save his brothers and Weld before it's too late!Emily Rodda is adept at weaving character, story and adventure in a realistic and exciting way. Really fun adventure for young readers. Lots of suspense and action. I loved this book. Very creative. And well I love most Emily Rodda books, she is my favorite author. The walled city of Weld is under attack from ferocious flying creatures that raid in the night, bringing death and destruction. The Warden calls for volunteers to find and destroy the enemy sending invaders, and the heroes of Weld answer the call one by one, never to return.Rye the main character is very much like Leif from Deltora Quest, very small and weak though quick smart and strong willed!

What do You think about The Golden Door (2011)?

Another excellent Rodda adventure. I look forward to going through the silver door next time.

it was one of the best books ever! I just couldn't put it down!

an entertaining book!!suspence and danger is all through it

Good book

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