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Read The Good Girl's Second Chance (The Bravos Of Justice Creek 2)

The Good Girl's Second Chance (The Bravos Of Justice Creek 2)

Online Book

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Harlequin Special Editon

The Good Girl's Second Chance (The Bravos Of Justice Creek 2) - Plot & Excerpts

Chloe put on a robe and walked him out to his beautiful old car. She kissed him goodbye—a long, slow, lovely kiss.
    When he would have let her go, she grabbed him back and kissed him some more.
    He laughed when he finally lifted his head. “Hey. I’m only going around the block.”
    “I know.” She sighed, wrapped her arms around his waist, and beamed up at him. “But I want to make sure you don’t forget me.”
    “No chance of that.” He took a curl of her hair and wrapped it around his hand. “We got a special thing going, you and me.”
    “Oh, yes, we do.”
    He touched her chin with his thumb, brushed one last kiss across her upturned lips. “Get some rest.”
    She promised she would and reluctantly stepped back so he could open the car door and slide in behind the wheel. Then she waited, her arms wrapped around herself against the predawn chill, as he backed from the driveway and drove off down the street.

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