Artemis Fowl, at this point in the series, has gone from a no-mercy crook to the savior of the fairy people on several occasions. This, time, he must face his biggest challenge yet. this is to take down Opal Koboi. Opal has exploded all Opal Laboratories equipment, devastating and destroying a lot of properties in the fairy world. Artemis, along with his gang of friends, must take down Opal and stop her from causing further harm. I give this book 4/5 stars. Somewhere between a 1 and a 2 on this book. This is the last book in a series of 8, but it doesn't really wrap anything important up and much of the foreshadowing to get to this point is ignored or forgotten. Apparently Colfer is terrible at writing a series. Every book was a bit too self contained. For instance, the Atlantis Complex which featured so big in the previous novel, is swept under the carpet in seconds in this book. The love interest between Artemis and Holly is utterly forgotten. I personally didn't care how it would be resolved, but it should have been resolved.The author also overuses similes, which made it seem as though he was trying to hit a specific word length and just added more similes until he got to that book length.The characters also had what I would call infinite pocket syndrom. Anytime there was a problem that couldn't be resolved, they'd just reach into their pocket and pull out the perfect item which miraculously solves the problem, even though the item had not been mentioned prior to that point in the book I'd say that happened around 20 times.The best part of the book is that the series is over and I'll probably never read another Colfer book again as long as I shall live.
What do You think about The Last Guardian (2012)?
It was pretty good, but hard to understand.