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Read The Pirate And The Feisty Maid-- Part One—At His Hand

The Pirate and the Feisty Maid--  Part One—At His Hand

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The Pirate And The Feisty Maid-- Part One—At His Hand - Plot & Excerpts

Molly couldn’t believe Ronan would be leaving her again, his words like a punch to the gut. In just a week’s time, he’d be returning to sea, despite having just returned home after a six-month absence. Her temper sparked, and she made no move to hide it—nor could she hide the tears that shimmered and stung her eyes as she struggled to hold them back.
“Molly, ye ken I’d not be going if I didn’t need to, but we’re far enough into the season that I’ve no choice if I’m to make the voyage there before the weather turns.” He took another pull from his ale when the full meaning of his words hit her.
“So you don’t mean to return until next season?” This time, his words were like a knife to the heart. She was numb with disbelief, not wanting to believe what he was saying.
“It’ll be too dangerous to try and return. I’ll winter in the Indies before heading back. But this opportunity willna present itself again. I’d not leave ye otherwise.”
His blue eyes held hers, so she found herself unable to look away.

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