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Read The Rancher's One-Week Wife

The Rancher's One-Week Wife

Online Book

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The Rancher's One-Week Wife - Plot & Excerpts

Blake said, smiling as he helped Karly dismount the mare.
    “I think I need to join a gym,” she commented as she patted Suede’s neck and moved away from the horse. Karly’s wince and the way she walked told him that she’d spent too much time in the saddle for her first time riding.
    His smile faded. He could have kicked himself for being an inconsiderate jerk. A new rider needed to condition their thigh and back muscles on shorter rides before they attempted long hours in the saddle. Otherwise they risked soreness much like what someone would expect after a strenuous workout. How could he have been so thoughtless?
    He’d been so caught up in showing her the ranch and his way of life, he’d forgotten all about her being new to the experience of being on a horse. Now she was paying the price for his oversight.
    “Why don’t you go on up to the house and try to relax while I take care of the horses?”

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