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Read The Tail Of The Tip-Off (2003)

The Tail of the Tip-Off (2003)

Online Book

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Random House Publishing Group

The Tail Of The Tip-Off (2003) - Plot & Excerpts

had loathed funerals. Although Harry and H.H. hadn't been close, they were part of the same community, so she was there to pay her respects.
Friends and neighbors told stories highlighting H.H.'s quick temper, which would evaporate and then he'd forgive and forget.
H.H. had touched a lot of people, including all those who'd worked for him over the years. People fervently wished they had told him how they felt about him while he lived. Nagging guilt nibbled at more than one conscience.
Tazio Chappars fought tears when Matthew recounted how the sports complex job had come down to the wire. How disappointed H.H. had been to lose what would have been his biggest contract ever.
Matthew's pleasant voice filled the room. “He came to my office to congratulate me personally.” His voice cracked for a second. “That's class.” Composed again, he continued. “There's no doubt in my mind that H.H. would have won major institutional jobs in the future. It was just a matter of time and who would have thought his time would run out?”

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