The Tea Shop On Lavender Lane (Life In Icicle Falls) - Plot & Excerpts
Two barely caught the outside of the dartboard, and the last throw missed entirely, lodging in the wall. Todd said something, and she gave him a playful slap on the arm. Cecily’s eyes narrowed. All right, he would not be reaching the summit tonight—at least not with her. As she stormed back across the parking lot, she could almost hear the Neanderthal in lederhosen snickering. Modern woman not too bright. That was for sure. She returned to the condo and dug out the ice cream. Then she found a movie on Netflix and stared at the TV, seeing Bailey flirting with Todd and him eating it up like the dog he was. Her cell phone rang around nine, and Todd’s name appeared on the screen. She didn’t pick up. He called again at nine-thirty, and then at quarter to ten he was pounding on her door. She turned off the lights and went to bed. Alone. Under the circumstances, that was best.
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