—Jack MacGunn, King of the Bad Pick-Up Line Jack sat in back of the modified classroom, trying to focus on the stack of security reports. It made his brain hurt. The academy needed a dozen modifications to make it defensible, but it might as well have been a thousand, because if their location had been compromised, in a matter of hours it could be too late. He’d set his plans in motion anyway, though it felt like a duct-tape-and-a-prayer operation. He didn’t tell Cassie, but a Network agent had been abducted from Mexico yesterday, interrogated by a mindbreaker and left for dead. Kyros was busy discovering how the enemy had identified the agent posing as a cantina chef. Lyssa — a mindbreaker herself — was hard at work trying to repair the damage to the man’s mind as well as discover what intel the enemy had scored. Worst case scenario? An attack on Kinmylies like the one at Torrey Pines, but on a larger scale without the help of a SEAL Team — a massacre.
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