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Read The Wedding Audition

The Wedding Audition

Online Book

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Tule Publishing

The Wedding Audition - Plot & Excerpts

God, she’d just kissed a man she barely knew. And while she wanted to act on all the desire screaming through her from that brief contact, shouldn’t she at least sleep on her grandmother’s advice for a little longer?
She scraped back her chair, her dog jumping to his paws on full alert. “I guess the press must have gotten through your gates after all.”
Heath clasped her arm, his grip firm but gentle. “We can’t be so certain it’s the media.”
“Who else could it be? Oh, maybe a bear I guess, which is almost as scary as a reporter,” she joked in hopes of distracting herself from the warmth spreading through her at his touch.
“There are worse things than bears and paparazzi, Red.” He guided her toward the stairs and opened a door, Bagel darting inside then back out again. “Stay in here while I check it out.”
In here looked a lot like a fallout shelter. Nerves pattered down her spine. “Uhm, I’m not comfortable being shut in there for a number of reasons.” She gestured to the gathering darkness of the room.

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