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Read The Weekday Brides 04 - Single By Saturday

The Weekday Brides 04 - Single by Saturday

Online Book

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Montlake Romance

The Weekday Brides 04 - Single By Saturday - Plot & Excerpts

He didn’t think it was possible to act with such complete and utter neglect of another person’s feelings, but that was exactly what had happened.
Michael punched his pillow a few times, turned it over, and tried to get comfortable on the worn-out sofa his parents had purchased sometime in the 1980s.
When Karen had approached him in the park, he’d been on a reunion high with his old friends. Seeing the only lover he’d taken in Hilton in the mix added just the right amount of nostalgia to help him lower his guard. He never worried that Ryder would open his mouth about their sexuality. To do so would be to put a target on his back as well, and since he now taught at the high school, Michael knew there wasn’t a threat of his secret leaking.
Michael had felt like he was eighteen again. No stress of the studios breathing down his neck, no one telling him how he was supposed to act and when, and then Karen enlightened him on Aunt Belle’s observation.
He’d seen red. After all the trouble he’d gone through to keep his secret he wasn’t about to let the ramblings of his crazy aunt blow it.

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