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Read Toygasm (2013)

Toygasm (2013)

Online Book

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Ellora's Cave Publishing Inc

Toygasm (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

Then she slipped into her robe, inhaled a deep breath and entered the adjoining bathroom. It was crowded in here with the equipment and props. But the lighting seemed perfect.
Vanilla scented the room and soft sunlight splashed through the lone window onto the tub filled with kaleidoscope-colored bubbles. Tiny flames flickered from an arrangement of vanilla candles lined along the bathtub rim. Also settled upon the rim were bright-red toys they wanted to use during this scene.
Both men stood beside the cameras, appearing eager to get started.
“Jode set it up. What do you think?” Josh asked.
I think I want to jump into the tub and have wild hot sex with the both of you, Cammie pondered. She quickly pushed aside those thoughts.
Focus on the job, woman.
“It looks seductive,” she admitted.
“Seductive will have to do.” Jode chuckled. His eyes appeared glazed with anticipation as he looked at the arrangement of toys.
Both men had also changed into their robes and at the thought of climbing into the tub with them, heat sped through her like wildfire.

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