Savannah had one little corner of his pillow underneath her head and her face was resting on her hands. He nearly gave himself a permanent neck kink bending his head to watch her sleep. But since it might freak her out to wake to him staring at her, he put his head back down behind hers and tried to fall back to sleep. It wasn’t to be though. Last night they’d kissed for what had seemed like forever and yet just a moment or two, and then they’d finally laughed when her sandal had connected with his shin. Together they took a shower, which led to more kissing and gentle touches, and both had fallen asleep shortly after curling up on the bed together, all warm from the shower. Since it didn’t matter what time he got up, he stayed in bed, tightening his hold around Savannah. The thought that it didn’t matter when or really if he got up made him a little sad. It wasn’t as if Paolo had worried overmuch about his living situation since he and Marco had come over to the States, because he always thought he and his brother would travel and compete together for the foreseeable future.