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Read Complete Corruption (Corruption #1-3)

Complete Corruption (Corruption #1-3)

Online Book

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Flip City Media Inc.

Complete Corruption (Corruption #1-3) - Plot & Excerpts

theresa atrina’s post-production rental was on the west side in some in-between neighborhood. The low-slung buildings in a three-block radius had been painted yellowish beige and sprinkled with Spanish roof tiles, black soot, and garish signs in three languages.
    Otto walked me to the double glass doors that faced into the parking lot.
    “Where will you be?” I asked as we passed into the small reception area.
    “I have to check it out. Then I’ll be right here.” With a pinky-less hand, he indicated a leather chair by a plastic plant.
    “You can grab a cup of coffee if you want.”
    He smiled and nodded, but prior experience told me that he wouldn’t get himself a cup of anything.
    The receptionist, a young Hispanic girl with straight hair down her back, said “Which project?”
    “The Lion In the Sand?” I said. “I think they’re in edit.”

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