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Erich Maria Remarque books

Erich Maria Remarque
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Read Books by Erich Maria Remarque


The Road Back (2001)

The Road back, although less well known than All Quiet on the Western Front, is just as thought-provoking and, in subtle ways, even more heart breaking.The story begins during the last few days of WWI. As battle rages around them, a group of young German soldiers contemplate what peace will be li...

The Road Back (2001) by Erich Maria Remarque

All Quiet on the Western Front (1987)

… all the memories that come … are always completely calm … They are soundless apparitions that speak to me, with looks and gestures silently, without any word … They are quiet in this way because quietness is so unattainable for us now … Their stillness is the reason why these memories of former...

All Quiet on the Western Front (1987) by Erich Maria Remarque

Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front (1984)

A guide to reading "All Quiet on the Western Front" with a critical and appreciative mind. Includes background on the author's life and times, sample tests, term paper suggestions, and a reading list.

Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front (1984) by Erich Maria Remarque

Arch of Triumph: A Novel of a Man Without a Country (1998)

Khi mới đọc những chương đầu của cuốn tiểu thuyết này, có lẽ nhiều người sẽ cảm thấy có cái gì đó thiêu thiếu, hụt hẫng, không biết bắt đầu từ đâu, bởi bỗng dưng mà đùng một cái, tác giả đập ngay vào những dòng đầu tiên là hai nhân vật – bác sĩ Ravic và người thiếu phụ trẻ tuổi Jeanne Madou – mà ...

Arch of Triumph: A Novel of a Man Without a Country (1998) by Erich Maria Remarque

The Night in Lisbon (1998)

سأحاول كتابة رأيي بتجرد دون أن أتأثر برأي الزملاء الذين رافقت تعليقاتهم واقتباساتهم ثم مراجعاتهم طوال فترة القراءة في صالون الجمعة .. تأتي أهمية الرواية في أنها تحكي عصرا مظلما في إلمانيا العصر النازي بكل انتهاكاته وخروقاته لحق الإنسان في الحياة.. الحرية ..والحب .. زمن الرواية الفترة التي كان يت...

The Night in Lisbon (1998) by Erich Maria Remarque

A Time to Love and a Time to Die (2015)

“That's how we are! Afraid of our feelings. And when we.become aware of them we immediately think we are swindlers.”Every Erich Maria Remarque book consists those elements: 1) Germans who hate the Nazi regime; 2) Germans who fell in love druing the Second World War; 3) Germans who love to drink. ...

A Time to Love and a Time to Die (2015) by Erich Maria Remarque

Shadows in Paradise (1998)

Недавно закончил с незаконченным романом Эриха Ремарка "Земля обетованная", собранным из рукописей уже после смерти автора. Книга повествует о непростой жизни эмигрантов, вынужденных покинуть свой дом, свою страну и бежать через океан в новый свет, чтобы там начать жизнь с чистого листа вдали от ...

Shadows in Paradise (1998) by Erich Maria Remarque

Spark of Life: A Novel of Resistance (2014)

Spark of Life is a novel by Erich Maria Remarque, which appeared both in German (as Der Funke Leben) and in English in 1952. Remarque was a German author who created many works, with his best-known novel being All Quiet on the Western Front. One of the first things I wondered about Remarque was w...

Spark of Life: A Novel of Resistance (2014) by Erich Maria Remarque

The Black Obelisk (1998)

গল্পের শুরু হয় ১৯২৩ সালে, জার্মানিতে। ওয়ারডেনব্রাক নামের একটি ছোট্ট শহরে। সে সময় মুদ্রাস্ফীতির দারুণ অভিশাপে দিশেহারা হয়ে পড়েছে জার্মানির জনগণ। এক ডলারের দাম হয়েছে ছত্রিশ হাজার মার্ক, আর সে দাম বেড়েই চলেছে প্রত্যেক ঘন্টায়! গল্পের প্রধান চরিত্র লাডউইগ বডমার নামের এক তরুণ, সে প্রথম বিশ্বযুদ্ধে লড়াই...

The Black Obelisk (1998) by Erich Maria Remarque

Three Comrades: A Novel of Germany Between the Wars (1998)

"თავმდაბლობა და კეთილსინდისიერება მარტო რომანებშია დაფასებული. ცხოვრებაში კი ასეთ ადამიანებს გამოიყენებენ და მერე სადმე მიაგდებენ.""ცხოვრებაში მარტოოდენ რეგვენი იმარჯვებს, ჭკვიანი კი მეტისმეტად დიდ წინააღმდეგობას ხედავს და რწმენას კარგავს ისე, რომ ვერაფრის დაწყებას ვერ ასწრებს.""ადამიანის სიცოცხლ...

Three Comrades: A Novel of Germany Between the Wars (1998) by Erich Maria Remarque

Heaven Has No Favorites (2014)

„Случили сте на автор.” Това ми каза една госпожа, докато четях книгата в автобуса. Доста хвалби ми каза по адрес и на книгата, и на автора. Вече спокойно мога да кажа – не без основание.Наистина чудесна и трогателна книга. Чете се невероятно леко и бързо, въпреки тъжната нотка. В думите на Ремар...

Heaven Has No Favorites (2014) by Erich Maria Remarque

Flotsam: A Novel of World War II (2013)

[Mi piace guidare. E’ un’azione quotidiana che compio sempre con gusto e mai con l’indifferenza dell’abitudine. Non mi piace scendere nei box, aprire la saracinesca e allacciarmi la cintura di sicurezza. E tanto meno aspettare che quei due stupidi cancelli elettrici si aprano. Ma quando sono sull...

Flotsam: A Novel of World War II (2013) by Erich Maria Remarque

Sin novedad en el frente (2015)

«Soy joven, tengo veinte años, pero no conozco de la vida más que la desesperación, el miedo, la muerte y el tránsito de una existencia llena de la más absurda superficialidad a una abismo de dolor. Veo a los pueblos lanzarse unos contra otros y matarse sin rechistar, ignorantes, enloquecidos, dó...

Sin novedad en el frente (2015) by Erich Maria Remarque

The night in Lisbon ; tr. by Ralph Manheim

I turned back. I doubted that my disappearance could have been noticed so soon, but still it seemed advisable to keep away from the railroad for the present. As long as an internee is safe behind the barbed wire, no one gives him a thought, but the moment he escapes, he becomes hugely important. ...

The night in Lisbon ; tr. by Ralph Manheim by Erich Maria Remarque

Three Comrades, The

In front of the entrance was a lamp. I parked the Cadillac directly under it. In the flickering light she looked like an immense elephant of molten, black lacquer.     I had still further perfected my wardrobe. To the tie I had added a new hat and a pair of gloves. I was also ...

Three Comrades, The by Erich Maria Remarque

Arch of Triumph

Kate Hegstroem said. She was sitting in her room in the Hôtel Lancaster. She had become thinner. The flesh under her skin appeared sunken, as if it had been hollowed out from inside with fine instruments. Her features stood out more sharply and her skin was like silk that would tear easily. “I th...

Arch of Triumph by Erich Maria Remarque

Flotsam (2013)

Some books lay in front of him. “Come here, Kern,” he called. “Evening is approaching, the time when beasts seek solitude and man looks for company. How are you making out with your permit?” “It’s still good for a week.” Kern sat down beside him. “A week in prison is a long time; a week of freedo...

Flotsam (2013) by Erich Maria Remarque

Spark of Life (2014)

The machine-gun towers and the palisades could not be recognized. It seemed for a while as though the concentration camp no longer existed; as though the fog had dissolved the enclosure into a soft, treacherous freedom and one had only to walk on to discover it was no longer there. Then came the ...

Spark of Life (2014) by Erich Maria Remarque

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