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Michel Houellebecq books

Michel Houellebecq
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Read Books by Michel Houellebecq


La carte et le territoire (2010)

En serio, Michel Houellebecq, qué clase de escritor vanidoso y retorcido se pone a sí mismo como personaje de su novela para luego ser brutalmente asesinado? Y lo que es peor, de modo pedante (lo del ladrón sibarita que se ensaña con un cuerpo haciendo su propia versión de Pollock me ha llegado a...

La carte et le territoire (2010) by Michel Houellebecq

El mapa y el territorio (2010)

Soft pour un livre de Houellebecq, si on fait abstraction des passages - souvent à caractère sexuel - qui se veulent spirituels et qui sont plutôt navrants. Pas un style incroyable, alors se lit vite. Je n'ai pas aimé la façon de l'auteur de se mettre en scène lui-même, qui traduit beaucoup trop ...

El mapa y el territorio (2010) by Michel Houellebecq

De kaart en het gebied (2010)

Although I did not get absorbed by the story and I had trouble understanding and identifying with the main character, I have to admit that this book is very well written. There is nothing superflous about the writing and I really like it that the language is very clear and straight to the point. ...

De kaart en het gebied (2010) by Michel Houellebecq

La carta e il territorio (2010)

Някой би казал, че на места този иначе прецизно обмислен роман губи логичната си нишка - какво става, например, все пак с Олга, а и по отношение на престъплението. Но и в реалния живот е така, твърде често сме свидетели на необясними събития и фатални разминавания. Een prachtig boek dat ik aan ie...

La carta e il territorio (2010) by Michel Houellebecq

El mundo como supermercado (2000)

Como escritor de notas de opinión y culturales, hace bastante agua. Su idea de las artes puede entenderse como reaccionaria, (salvo cuando escribe sobre poesía y literatura) pero es fuertemente coherente con toda su concepción de mundo. Copio varios fragmentos que me sirvieron para entenderlo mej...

El mundo como supermercado (2000) by Michel Houellebecq

Whatever (1998)

Empezar a leer un autor nuevo siempre es algo emocionante, nunca sabes exactamente qué puedes esperar de él, si cumplirá tus expectativas, si las rebasará o, en el peor de los casos, si no llegará a ellas. Quizá lo más recomendable es comenzar por el libro que más prestigio parezca tener de todos...

Whatever (1998) by Michel Houellebecq

Ampliación del campo de batalla (2001)

Esta novela catapultada a la categoría de estandarte de una generación está protagonizada por un antihéroe que ha dejado de luchar, un ingeniero informático de 30 años, hastiado de su trabajo y aburrido de sus congéneres, que desprecia el sexo, lleva dos años de castidad, y describe sin pelos en ...

Ampliación del campo de batalla (2001) by Michel Houellebecq

The Elementary Particles (2001)

You can interpret this book in several different ways. A lot of people view it as a depressing, hate-filled rant, filled with a really startling amount of unpleasant sex. I'm not saying that that's necessarily incorrect. In fact, my immediate association was with the fictitious books that Morelan...

The Elementary Particles (2001) by Michel Houellebecq

Platform (2004)

An 18-rated review of an 18-rated book. If you don’t want to read about the gory details of fleshy entangulations and of bodily fluid by the bucketful, then you need to steer well clear of M. Houellebecq. He’s all about that. The sex is like the worst kind of bad cartoon porn and we can’t possibl...

Platform (2004) by Michel Houellebecq

The Possibility of an Island (2007)

Do you want to live forever? Most people would say yes. I have to confess immortality tempts me as well. But as with most wishes, this one needs conditionals and caveats to make it truly comfortable. After all, you wouldn't want to be immortal but keep ageing, right? And being immortal alone woul...

The Possibility of an Island (2007) by Michel Houellebecq

Las partículas elementales (2002)

Una visión feroz y sarcástica del presente a través de dos hermanastros cuarentones, Michel, un investigador en biología que vive como un monje, ha renunciado al sexo y sólo pasea para ir al supermercado, y Bruno, profesor de literatura, consumidor de pornografía, misógino, racista y virtuoso del...

Las partículas elementales (2002) by Michel Houellebecq

Plateforme (French Edition) (2003)

De l'exotisme et du pittoresque, du sexe et du fanatisme, tels sont les ingrédients (torrides et subversifs) de Plateforme, dernier roman de Michel Houellebecq, probablement l'écrivain le plus controversé aujourd'hui… Michel est un employé du ministère de la Culture. Il vit simplement, au ryth...

Plateforme (French Edition) (2003) by Michel Houellebecq

Plataforma (2013)

Michel, parisino, funcionario, cuarentón, apocado y apático, incapaz de experimentar ninguna emoción, parte de vacaciones a Tailandia para olvidarse de todo y sumergirse en un paraíso de placer en el oasis del turismo sexual. Allí conoce a Valérie, directiva de «Nouvelles Frontières» y con ella d...

Plataforma (2013) by Michel Houellebecq

Whatever: a novel

Romans XIII, 12 – Friday evening I was invited to a party at a colleague from work’s house. There were thirty-odd of us, all middle management aged between twenty-five and forty. At a certain moment some stupid bitch started removing her clothes. She took off her Tshirt, then her bra, then her sk...

Whatever: a novel by Michel Houellebecq

La Possibilité d'une île

Puis vient un âge, un âge second, où l'on sait déjà, au moment où l'on commence à vivre un bonheur, que l'on va, au bout du compte, le perdre. Lorsque je rencontrai Belle, je compris que je venais d'entrer dans cet âge second. Je compris également que je n'avais pas atteint l'âge tiers, celui de ...

La Possibilité d'une île by Michel Houellebecq


Myriam’s regular breathing added a slow accompaniment to the discreet gurgle of percolation. Chubby little cumulus clouds drifted across the sky. For me these had always been the clouds of happiness, the kind whose brilliant whiteness only heightens the blue of the sky, the kind children draw whe...

Submission by Michel Houellebecq


After Myriam had called, I’d finished En ménage, the book was indisputably a masterpiece, I’d hardly got three hours of sleep. The woman Huysmans looked for all his life he had already described when he was twenty-seven or -eight, in Marthe, his first novel, published in Brussels in 1876. He want...

Submission by Michel Houellebecq

The Map and the Territory (2012)

Sitting on the grass a few steps from the cordon, his head in his hands, Lieutenant Ferber was prostrate and utterly still. It was the first time Jasselin had seen a colleague in such a state—in the detective branch, either they developed a hard surface that enabled them to control their emotions...

The Map and the Territory (2012) by Michel Houellebecq

Les particules élémentaires

Le village lui-même avait beaucoup changé. Il s’arrêta sur la place de la Gare, regarda autour de lui avec surprise. Un hypermarché Casino s’était installé avenue du Général-Leclerc, à la sortie de Crécy. Partout autour de lui il voyait des pavillons neufs, des immeubles.     ...

Les particules élémentaires by Michel Houellebecq

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