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Read A Highland Home A Contemporary Highland Romance Book Two (2013)

A Highland Home A Contemporary Highland Romance Book Two (2013)

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Cali MacKay

A Highland Home A Contemporary Highland Romance Book Two (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

After the night she had in Angus’s arms, she didn’t give a damn what they said. Nothing could ruin her good mood. “Thank you.” She got her change from the woman behind the counter, giving her a big smile and refusing to play their games. This would be her home, and she’d do her best to win them over-if not for her sake, then for Angus. She wouldn’t allow it to become an uncomfortable place for him.“Hmph.” A scowl of pursed lips faced her as her groceries got bagged none too gently. “Is Angus not with ye today? Surprised he managed to get free of ye.”She bit back all of the smartass responses bubbling to her lips. He’s actually tied to my bed. Or maybe… That’s because he’s so exhausted after the night we had, that he’s lying in bed in a spent heap. Instead, she refused to rise to the bait. “He’s working, but I’ll be sure to send him your regards. Have a lovely day.”Ignoring the tightness in her chest, she told herself it would take time-but it would happen.

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