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Read Be With Me (2014)

Be with Me (2014)

Online Book

4.18 of 5 Votes: 1
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William Morrow Paperbacks

Be With Me (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

I was super hesitant about starting this book which may have meant that I wasn't completely hooked into the story line. As the story developed and I got to understand the characters more I did enjoy this book. I do like Tess, considering the relationship she's come from to where she is in the end of the book is phenomenal and makes me so happy. Jase is adorable but I never really fell for him... Maybe because of the way Avery described him in her POV but I never quite got him. Overall I enjoyed this book, but I felt like it was just okay. I didn't think I would like this. It wasn't as cute or funny as the first but at the same time, that's kind of what made me really like it. It still made me smile. I also surprisingly liked Jase more than I thought I would and that plot twist. Wow! I did not see that coming. I had some theories but I was nowhere near the right one! So good! I wish there was a bonus chapter in which Jase tells him. I also really like Tessa and I loved the Cam and Avery cameos!

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