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Read Cassie's Cowboy Daddy (2002)

Cassie's Cowboy Daddy (2002)

Online Book

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Cassie's Cowboy Daddy (2002) - Plot & Excerpts

Every muscle and joint in her body ached and she alternated between chills and feeling as if she was burning up. When she bent over to remove a casserole from the oven, the throbbing in her head increased and she swayed as a wave of dizziness swept over her.
“Are you all right?” Logan asked, hanging his hat on a peg beside the back door. Looking concerned, he walked up to her. “Your cheeks look like somebody slapped you.”
She tried to shake her head, but winced at the discomfort the movement created. “It’s just a little headache. I’ll be fine. Dinner is almost ready, if you’d like to wash up.”
He reached out and placed his large palm on her forehead. “Damn! You’re burning up.” Grabbing a couple of pot holders from the counter, he took the casserole from her and set it on the table, then, pulling out one of the chairs, he said, “Sit down.”
“I don’t have time—”
“Dammit, I said sit.” He disappeared down the hall, only to return in a few minutes with a thermometer.

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