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Read Close Obsession (2013)

Close Obsession (2013)

Online Book

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Mozaika Publications

Close Obsession (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

I'm not leaving as long a review for this book than I did for the first book. I stand by my previous observation: surprisingly good! Zaire's certainly didn't let up in this second installment, and the plot definitely builds momentum. Mia is now on the largest Krinar colony on Earth in Costa Rica with her boyfriend (although that word seems weak to what Korum really is). She's now immersed in the world of intrigue and Krinar politics- someone's doing a power play and willing to risk everything just to finally gain the recognition the player is finally hungering for. Mia's trying to acclimatize to the Krinar lifestyle, and luckily, she is introduced to other charls (human mates) of some of the Krinar on the Costa Rican colony. I'm certainly glad she's grown a backbone! She wasn't exactly what I would've called a wimp in the first book, but she's certainly learning how to hold her own against Korum. Korum is as high-handed, arrogant and über protective as ever, but with Mia by his side, he's learning compromise and (what do you know) how to be in a relationship with someone who likes her bit of independence. But as a main and dynamic character, Korum's arrogance is understandable. It's not just he thinks he knows better: he does know better. As someone who was alive for the past 2000 years, Korum was right when he said to Mia that he knew a good thing when he saw it, and he would be a fool to let misunderstanding get in the way of their chemistry (really it's love, but you know how people get about admitting that). I can also understand his ambition. He wants to further the Krinar, cement even further their place in the world. He loves innovation and building, and has an insatiable appetite for leading. He just wants what's best for his people and Mia, and as a Slytherin (HEY HP REFERENCE), I understand that ambition perfectly. Zaires does yet another surprising twist in this novel, and I'm delighted that she adds more to the story, and sill continues to build on the elements she started beforehand. The book does of course, still remain mature, but can you really expect anything else when you have a hot alien lover? Again, think Benedict Cumberbatch as Khan. The mental image is enough to being any sane female to orgasm, I should think XD A plot I was waiting for, but didn't happen.Let me be clear first, I loved this book I really did. But I had to knock off points because I found the plot "resolution" in this book to be less than satisfactory. Well, there is not much of a plot to this book to begin with because it is mostly Mia and Korum going from place to place and learning about Krinar culture and such. Now, this isn't a bad thing at all. I actually enjoyed learning about the culture and I can't honestly say I was bored since I love reading about cultures (Both real and fictional) and enjoyed it, I just wish it had less of a random structure to it. However, I will admit what really had me flipping the pages was the mysterious Krinar who was obsessed with Mia and I was REALLY intrigued by that and I wanted there to be some sort of confrontation between them and when I read "Saur" easily dying I was hoping it really wasn't him, so I was thankful and it really mad me want to read the next volume to find out who that mysterious Krinar is.

What do You think about Close Obsession (2013)?

Just finished and this book did not disappoint me. LOVED IT!!! Will now start reading #3.

This is a good read. I will finish the Trilogy!

fun read.... on to the next

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