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Read Twist Me - Verschleppt (2014)

Twist Me - Verschleppt (2014)

Online Book

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1631420178 (ISBN13: 9781631420177)
Mozaika Publications

Twist Me - Verschleppt (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

Yet another story about a young woman, Nora, who is stalked by an obsessed rich stranger, drugged and taken to a remote island to be held captive by him, presumably forever. However, I really liked this one more than some of the others I have combined just the right amount of wrong with an intense love story full of what most might not see as "love" but I did...and it left me wanting more. I will honestly say that I am slightly burned out on dark erotica that describes the same mind-bending psychological techniques to turn an innocent into a willing submissive who "learns" to enjoy pain. And if I NEVER hear the phrase "my pet" will be too soon...*sigh*...but there was a little something extra about this book that let me dig deeper and I too felt empathy for the "bad" guy...because there were some guys who were more evil than Julian.I read this book in one was that good and never once did it feel like it dragged on but kept me on edge the entire time. Recommend for all my dark reader friends.**** 4 **** "you are never leaving me" stars So I started and finished this book in a day. Seriously. And all I have to say is thank the good Lord above that the second book was already published!!! There will be a third book (that yes - I will most definitely read because why not!) but let me tell you right now that it is not neccessarily needed. But for those that can't end without knowing what the future brought them, looks like it will be coming in 2015.Now on to my review of the first book. We are introduced to a 17 year old Nora. Crushing on the high school quarterback and living life oblivious like most of us did at that age. With her best friend and fake ID, off to a club they haven't tried before. This is where they meet. This is where the story begins.Nora cannot help but become entranced by Julian. But listening to her instincts, she doesn't let their introduction go beyond names. Over the next few weeks, she graduates high school and gets up the guts to talk to her crush who asks her out. Innocence. A walk through the park on their date. Innocence interrupted. Her date knocked out. Darkness. Gone. Nora is kidnapped.She wakes to find herself imprisoned. Not in the worse possible place - not going to spoil it - but imprisoned none-the-less. By Julian. Her only other companion is Beth, who keeps house for Julian. But she is loyal to her employer. Can you say Stockholm Syndrome? Nora ends up loving Julian. She's not delusional about her situtaion. But love is love. Even if it's with a man she knows isn't good.This story is dark erotica. It contains forced sex. There are enemies, there is a second kidnapping, there is torture and death, but there is also love. If you are a fan of Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters, then you will enjoy this book as well. For those of you that thought TofT was too much, this book might actually appease you. Still get the darkness without it tearing you apart while reading. Well written!

What do You think about Twist Me - Verschleppt (2014)?

So I started and finished this book in a day. Seriously. And all I have to say is thank the good Lord above that the second book was already published!!! There will be a third book (that yes - I will most definitely read because why not!) but let me tell you right now that it is not neccessarily needed. But for those that can't end without knowing what the future brought them, looks like it will be coming in 2015.Now on to my review of the first book. We are introduced to a 17 year old Nora. Crushing on the high school quarterback and living life oblivious like most of us did at that age. With her best friend and fake ID, off to a club they haven't tried before. This is where they meet. This is where the story begins.Nora cannot help but become entranced by Julian. But listening to her instincts, she doesn't let their introduction go beyond names. Over the next few weeks, she graduates high school and gets up the guts to talk to her crush who asks her out. Innocence. A walk through the park on their date. Innocence interrupted. Her date knocked out. Darkness. Gone. Nora is kidnapped.She wakes to find herself imprisoned. Not in the worse possible place - not going to spoil it - but imprisoned none-the-less. By Julian. Her only other companion is Beth, who keeps house for Julian. But she is loyal to her employer. Can you say Stockholm Syndrome? Nora ends up loving Julian. She's not delusional about her situtaion. But love is love. Even if it's with a man she knows isn't good.This story is dark erotica. It contains forced sex. There are enemies, there is a second kidnapping, there is torture and death, but there is also love. If you are a fan of Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters, then you will enjoy this book as well. For those of you that thought TofT was too much, this book might actually appease you. Still get the darkness without it tearing you apart while reading. Well written!

sigh.. not sure what to say about this, it could have been a very good book if handled differently. There wasn't a lot of dialogue, so in my opinion you don't get to see the relationship building, which in this case you really, really needed it. All you get is a young girl kidnapped and raped all because he wanted her and she reminded him of Maria. You have a huge case of Stockholm syndrome, no depth or emotion no evolving of the relationship no real redeeming qualities of the H. Honestly, there wasn't a relationship just sex and lots of sex, which by sex I mean rape. Sadly this was just not for me.

wow this book stucks you in. good story.

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